Принятые доклады
Тучин Валерий Викторович, К.И. Зайцев, И.В. Решетов
Терагерцовая биофотоника
Свинцов Дмитрий Александрович
Ultra-sensitive terahertz detection with graphene field-effect transistors
Морозов Сергей Вячеславович
THz and multi-THz lasing from HgCdTe QW heterostructures
Тарасенко Сергей Анатольевич
Edge currents induced by terahertz radiation in two-dimensional systems
Китаева Галия Хасановна
Mutually correlated optical and terahertz photons: generation and application
Секция 1. Свойства материалов в терагерцовом и микроволновом диапазонах частот
Тищенко Алексей Александрович
THz radiation by free electrons from 2D photonic crystals and metasurfaces
Николаев Назар Александрович
Borate nonlinear-optical crystals and their application as sources of intense
terahertz radiation
Мыльников Дмитрий
On the limiting possibilities of two-dimensional plasmonics in photo-detection
Оладышкин Иван Владимирович
Study of electron kinetics in graphene using THz and optical pulses
Зайцев Антон Д.
Terahertz Frequency-Selective Surface Based on a Semimetal-Dielectric Hyperbolic
Зайцев Антон Д.
Modified Tinkham’s Equation for Exact Thin Film Complex Conductivity Measurement by
Машинский Константин Викторович
Excitation of Fundamental Plasmon Modes in Graphene Rectangle Depending on Finite
Ходзицкий Михаил Константинович
Tunable terahertz and infrared devices based on Sn-doped VO2
Кузнецов Сергей Александрович
Electrically-Tunable Reflectarrays for Millimeter Waves Based on
Liquid-Crystal-Loaded High-Impedance Surfaces
Султановская Александра Станиславовна
Hexaferrite-Based Hard Magnetic Insulators Revealing Giant Coercivity and
Sub-Terahertz Natural Ferromagnetic Resonance Over 5 – 300 K
Сошников Мирослав Вадимович
Sub-Terahertz/Terahertz Electron Resonances in Hard Ferrimagnets
Политико Алексей Алексеевич
Measurement of Radiophysical Properties of Materials and Coatings at Microwave
Frequencies in a Wide Temperature Range
Камешков Олег Эдуардович
Studying sensor capabilities of Archimedean spiral metamaterials with C-shaped
resonator using thin dielectric films in the terahertz frequency range
Гурченко Алексей Андреевич
Terahertz spectroscopy of high-entropy hexaferrite-based solid solutions
Пидотова Диана Андреевна
THz electromagnetic response from carbon-containing elastomers based on a
polyethylene matrix for use in additive technologies.
Заклецкий Захар Александрович
Impact of air atmosphere on the conditions for the synthesis of ceramic materials in
the interaction of a microwave pulse of a gyrotron with a mixture of Al2O3/Al
Сергеева Дарья Юрьевна
Radiation from a metasurface as an instrument for electron bunch diagnostics
Гараев Дамир Ильдарович
Scattering of the field of fast electrons on coupled nanoparticles
Ходзицкий Михаил Константинович
3D printed terahertz GRIN lenses
Новоселов Михаил Геннадьевич
Numerical estimate of temperature influence on non-reciprocal propagation of
terahertz radiation through InSb, InAs, GaAs
Назаров Григорий Павлович
Measurement of transmission at terahertz frequencies for materials with a very high
Пушкарев Сергей Сергеевич
Dynamics of Charge Carriers in THz Photoconductive Antennas based on Si-doped GaAs
Бычкова Софья Алексеевна
Optical properties of a GUHP crystal promising as a terahertz radiation source
Опарин Егор Николаевич
Dispersion of α–pinene nonlinear refractive index coefficient in THz spectral
Секция 2. Сверхсильные терагерцовые поля и нелинейная терагерцовая фотоника.
Селезнев Леонид Владимирович
X-Y Distribution of Terahertz Emission from a Single-color Laser Filament
Стремоухов Сергей Юрьевич
Terahertz Radiation Generation by Atomic Systems Interacted with Two-Color Laser
Д. Урюпина
Enhanced forward THz yield from the long DC-biased femtosecond filament
Мишина Елена Дмитриевна, А. Буряков, В. Преображенский
Управление поляризацией ТГц излучения в спинтронных эмиттерах
Н.А. Панов
Observation of conical emission from DC-biased filament at 10 THz
Косарева Ольга Григорьевна
Terahertz generation from femtosecond plasma channels in dual-color, DC-biased and
transition regimes
Weiwei Liu
Micro structured material for broadband THz field manipulation
Фролов Александр Анатольевич
Возбуждение высокоинтенсивных терагерцовых поверхностых мод на границе плазмы под
действием двух частотного лазерного излучения
Козина Ольга Николаевна
Terahertz Lasing in the Cavity with Graphene Hyperbolic Medium
Горлова Диана Алексеевна
THz radiation generation in the interaction of relativistic laser pulse with TW to PW
peak power with dense plasma
Волчок Евгения
Multi-cycle coherent terahertz emission produced due to linear conversion of laser
wakefields on a harmonic modulation of plasma density
Кубарев Виталий Владимирович
Point-like plasma-limited high-temperature THz laser discharge
Ризаев Георгий
Dependence of the propagation angle of terahertz emission from a single-color
filament on the plasma channel length
Hilal Shireen
Analyzing liquid-based THz emission mechanism via plasma experimental studies
Арцер Илья Романович
Correlation of self-phase modulation and triple frequencies generation of few-cycle
THz pulses in cubic nonlinear media
Гусельников Михаил Сергеевич
Materials for Ultrafast Terahertz Photonics: Vibrational Nonlinearity
Мельник Максим Владимирович
Investigation of temperature dependent water nonlinear index in THz frequency
Силаев Александр Андреевич
Generation of Multicolor and Supercontinuum Radiation in Terahertz and Mid-Infrared
Ranges Due to Gas Ionization by Two-Color Chirped Laser Pulses
Абрамовский Никита Андреевич
Frequency upshifting of Cherenkov-type terahertz radiation by free-carrier generation
in lithium niobate
Сычугин Сергей
Terahertz waves emission from laser-induced magnetized plasma
Силаев Александр Андреевич
The Use of Brunel Harmonics Generation by Elliptically Polarized Laser Pulses for
High-Resolved Detection of Lower-Frequency Radiation
Михаил Гусельников
Domination of Cubic Nonlinear Effects over Quadratic Ones in the THz Spectral
Секция 3. Терагерцовое и микроволновое излучения в исследовательских комплексах класса «мегасайенс»
Песков Николай Юрьевич
Project of Powerful Long-pulse sub-THz / THz Band FEL: Development of Selective
Electrodynamic System
Глявин Михаил Юрьевич
Gyrotrons: Novel Optimization
Савилов Андрей Владимирович
Sub-Terahertz Gyrotrons with Complicated Cavities
Аржанников А.В.
Project of a beam-plasma generator of THz radiation based on 1-MeV induction
Соминский Геннадий Гиршевич
Field emitters of a new type for sub-terahertz gyrotrons
Назаров Максим Михайлович
Terahertz and other types of radiation during terawatt exposure to metal foil
Фокин Андрей
Single-pulse mode content analysis of wave beam from a short-pulse high-power
with pulsed magnetic field
Веселов Алексей Павлович
Gas discharge breakdown threshold sustained by powerful radiation of 1THz
Синцов Сергей Владиславович
Non-equilibrium plasma torch maintained by continuous radiation from a gyrotron with
frequency of 263 GHz at atmospheric pressure
Песков Николай Юрьевич
Progress in Development of Photoinjector Complex in IAP RAS
Егорова Екатерина Дмитриевна
Super-Power Free-Electron Masers with 3D Distributed Feedback
Савилов Андрей Владимирович
Sub-Terahertz Frequency-Tunable Gyrotron with External Mirror: Desing and
Новак Екатерина Михайловна
Quasi-analytical theory of gyro-BWO with a zigzag quasi-optical electrodynamic
Гетманов Ярослав Владимирович
Новосибирский лазер на свободных электронах: текущее состояние и планы
Самцов Денис
Changing the spectral composition of terahertz radiation flux generated due to
beam-plasma interaction in case conditions of beam injection are varied
Сандалов Евгений
Application of a high-current relativistic electron beam generated in a linear
accelerator as a driver for a terahertz FEL
Гинзбург Наум Самуилович
High-Power sub-THz Band Spatially-Extended Surface-Wave Oscillators with
Slow-Wave Structures
Проявин М.
Experimental test of New Generation Technological Gyrotron Setup with High Power and
Фокин Андрей
Prospects of wideband frequency tuning in multi-beam sub-THz gyrotrons
Фокин Андрей
The technological requirements for the manufacturing of modern gyrotron
Песков Николай Юрьевич
Micro-undulator for the X-ray FEL based on plasma accelerator
Гавриленко Дмитрий Владимирович
Acceleration of a relativistic electron in a unipolar pulse
Адилова Асель Булатовна
Study of the Phase Locking of High-Power Gyrotron Oscillators Coupled with Delay
Самсонов Сергей Викторович
Sub-Terahertz Quasi-Optical Gyro-BWO With One-Octave Frequency Tuning Band
Юровский Лев Александрович
Generation of Train of THz Superradiant Pulses in the Process of Stimulated
Backscattering of Laser Pulse Circulating in Fabry-Perot Resonator
Соболев Д.
Experimental Testing of 0.7 THz Modified Cylindrical Bragg Structures Based on the
Coupling of Propagating and Cut-Off Modes
Секция 4. Терагерцовая биофотоника и биомедицина
Ситников Дмитрий Сергеевич
Sensitivity of the human neuronal-stem-like cells to THz radiation
Черномырдин Никита Викторович
Super-resolution THz imaging of heterogeneous biological tissues: Fingerprints of THz-wave scattering in tissues
Черкасова Ольга Павловна
The potential of terahertz spectroscopy for cancer diagnosis
Пельтек С.Е.
Нетермическое воздействие терагерцового излучения на метаболизм бактериальных
Вакс Владимир Лейбович
Application of THz high resolution spectroscopy for investigation of biofilms
ENT pathologies
Кистенев Юрий Владимирович
Breath air samples analysis using IR and THz laser spectroscopy and machine
Мартусевич Андрей Кимович
Biomedical applications of near-field microwave tomography: state-of-art and future
Попик Василий Михайлович
Features of the use of terahertz radiation in biological and medical research
Вотинцев Алексей
Comparative analysis of optical properties of solutions of tablet forms of lactose
samples by
THz spectroscopy
Вражнов Денис Александрович
Analysis of blood serum THz-TDS spectra by unsupervised machine learning
Глявина Анна Михайловна
Experimental study of the vascular bed of tumors of different morphogenesis
Соловьева Анна Геннадьевна
Изучение влияния терагерцового излучения на процессы тканевой ишемии в
Суровегина Александра Владимировна
The influence of argon cold plasma on dielectric properties of the rats’ skin
Назаров Владимир Викторович
Microwave monitoring of organ viability during transplantation
Диденко Наталья Владимировна
The effect of terahertz radiation on the blood antioxidant status in experimental
Князькова Анастасия Игоревна
Analysis of spectral characteristics of collagen solutions in THz spectrum region
Черкасова Ольга Павловна
Detection of glioma molecular markers by terahertz nanoantenna sensor
Секция 5. Компоненты микроволновых и терагерцовых систем
Иванова Галина Романовна
Development of f-theta lens for THz imaging system
Носков Александр Иванович
3D printed broadband Fresnel lens made of COC TOPAS
Гребенчуков Александр
An antireflection coating for a terahertz isolator
Песняков Владислав Викторович
Free-standing wire grid wide-angle ultrawide band polarizers
Соболев Дмитрий Игоревич
3D Printed Components for Subterahertz Quasioptical Transmission Lines
Беликов Иван Игоревич
Ultra-Deep Wet Chemical Etching of GaAs Upon Fabrication of mmWave Sensors
Шураков Александр Сергеевич
Digital Phase Shifter Arrays for Beamforming in sub-THz Communications
Авдеев Павел Юрьевич
Monoatomic layer transition metal dichalcogenides as a way to improve the conversion
spin-polarized current
Тумашов Максим Александрович
Reflectionless Anomalous Refraction of THz Beams with a multi-layer Metal-Polymer
Курников Михаил Александрович
Noncollinear ellipsometric detection of terahertz waves: A comprehensive study
Сергей Бодров
High energy Cherenkov-type terahertz emission from a large-size Si-LiNbO3 structure
pumped by
a Ti:sapphire laser
Рыбак Алина Анатольевна
Design of a narrowband terahertz filter based on Fabry–Pérot etalon
Селиверстов Сергей Валерьевич
Tapered Coupling Interface for a THz Integrated Waveguide
Кочнев Захар Сергеевич
Magnetically controlled band-pass filter of terahertz radiation
Ильин Алексей
Thermally Isolated Ruthenium Nanobolometer for Room-Temperature Terahertz Sensing
Секция 6. Приложения терагерцового и микроволнового излучения.
Смолянская Ольга Алексеевна
Terahertz imaging and spectroscopy for heritage science
Кузнецов Сергей Александрович
Null Ellipsometer for Millimeter-Wave Diagnostics of Composite Materials
Кубарев Виталий Владимирович
Ultrafast heterodyne magnetic THz time-domain spectroscopy of OH radicals
Чесноков Евгений Николаевич
Faraday effect on the absorption lines of paramagnetic molecules. Experiments with
the CW
lasers and time-domain experiments at the terahertz NovoFEL
Вебер Сергей Леонидович
EPR Spectroscopy at Novosibirsk Free Electron Laser Facility: High Power THz
Applied To Molecular Magnets
Зотова Ирина
High-Gradient Acceleration of Electrons by Ultrashort Pulses of Microwave
Осинцева Наталья Дмитриевна
Formation and mode identification of the THz Bessel beams at the NovoFEL
Раевский Алексей Сергеевич
Implementation of a high-speed wireless communication line in the subterahertz
Tajik Arash
Influence of microwave field frequency on the transformation of asphaltenes.
the use of microwave processing for mining and processing heavy oil
Конникова Мария Руслановна
Optical characterization of GeTe2 phase change material for terahertz
Абрамов Илья Сергеевич
Stationary flow of dense magnetized plasma with multiply charged ions supported by
Чекмарев Никита Владиславович
Microwave Interferometry of Chemically Active Plasma
Ситников Дмитрий Сергеевич
Broadband and narrowband laser-based terahertz source and its application for second
generation in centrosymmetric antiferromagnet NiO
Минеев Кирилл Владимирович
Using Radio Interferometry for Measuring Free Surface Velocity in Impact
Минеев Кирилл Владимирович
Problems of Sub-Terahertz Astroclimate Research and Development of Optimal Receivers
Measurements of Atmospheric Propagation
Секция 7. Терагерацовая и микроволновая спектроскопия
Вакс Владимир Лейбович
THz nonstationary high resolution spectroscopy: state-of art, trends
Бассараб Владимир Валерьевич
Complex refractive index measurements on borosilicate glass in ultra-wide spectral
Гавдуш Арсений Алексеевич
THz-IR dielectric spectroscopy of astrophysical ices: Recent achievements and
Мурзаханов Фадис Фанилович
Контроль когерентности спиновых состояний ядер в кристаллах hBN и SiC с помощью
микроволновых и радиочастотных импульсов
Мелентьев Александр Владимирович
Dynamics of water molecules in endohedral fullerenes
Усков Владимир Владимирович
Single-particle and collective states of dipolar coupled water molecular network
Борис Михайлович Некрасов
THz, RF and X-ray Spectroscopy of Mn-Doped SrTiO3 Single Crystals
Политико Алексей Алексеевич
Experimental Bench for Measuring Electromagnetic Properties of Materials in the
Frequency Range 75 to 110 GHz
Лебедева Екатерина Дмитриевна
Investigation of THz radiation parameters in Co/WSe2 and Co/IrMn3 structures
Секция 8. Системы терагерцового и микроволнового излучения.
Николаев Назар Александрович
Metamaterials for antialiasing filtration and harmonic mixing in terahertz
Чистяков Александр Александрович
Radiovision in the terahertz range. Problems and prospects
Попов Дмитрий Александрович
THz Photoconductive Antennas kit for 780 nm Femtosecond Laser Input
Кузнецов Сергей Александрович
Technologies of Frequency Selective Surfaces and Metasurfaces for Highly Effective
and Polarization Discrimination in the Terahertz Band
Муравьев Вячеслав Михайлович
Recent advances in sub-terahertz devices for industrial and research applications
Tianmiao Zhang
2-Octave Achromatic Quarter-wave Plate for Terahertz Applications
Герасимов Василий Валерьевич
THz planar surface plasmon Michelson interferometer
Кукотенко Валерия Дмитриевна
Подходы к исследованию эванесцентного поля поверхностных плазмонов на ТГц излучении
Новосибирского лазера на свободных электронах
Рыскин Никита Михайлович
Design and Development of W-band Vacuum-Tube Amplifiers and Oscillators with Sheet
Khasanov Ildus Shevketovich
Reflectometric indication of polariton resonance on the InSb surface irradiated by
Сафроненко Даниил Алексеевич
Standard-free measurement of quantum efficiency in the case of an analog detector
Демченко Петр Сергеевич
Terahertz detector based on microstructured bismuth-antimony
Марков Дмитрий Александрович
Increasing efficiency of the terahertz generation in Mg:LiNbO3 crystal by optimizing
angular distribution of the output radiation
Новикова Татьяна
Application of covariation measurement for calibration of quantum efficiency of
Шевченко Олеся Николаевна
Terahertz wave detecting in Ga50%Se(50-x)%Sx% crystals at a telecom wavelength
Шевченко Олеся Николаевна
Terahertz wave detecting in GaSe:S crystals at a telecom wavelength
Белов Дмитрий Алекчеевич
Frequency tuning in terahertz quantum cascade lasers induced by current and
Моисеенко Илья Михайлович
Plasmon properties of graphene with an arbitrary directed electric current
Ананичев Андрей Алексеевич
Development and Experimental Study of a Powerful Gyrotron Complex with a Generation
of 32.9 GHz
Khasanov Ildus Shevketovich
Reflectometric indication of polariton resonance on the InSb surface irradiated by
Ситников Дмитрий Сергеевич
Terahertz generation optimization in a OH1 nonlinear organic crystal pumped by a
Cr:forsterite laser
Ананичев Андрей Алексеевич
Numerical simulation of a gyrotron with a quasi-optical resonator for spectroscopic
Секция 9. Оптоэлектроника
Кузнецов Кирилл Андреевич
Topological insulator films for terahertz photonics
Пономарев Дмитрий Сергеевич
Toward 3D plasmonic gratings in photoconductive THz emitters as an efficient tool for
high-speed THz spectroscopy
Морозов Сергей
THz and multi-THz lasing from HgCdTe QW heterostructures
Хабибуллин Рустам Анварович
THz quantum cascade lasers with two-photon design
Ковалева Полина Михайловна
Terahertz antennas based on Bi2-xSbxTe3-ySey films
Сёмкин Валентин
Gate-controlled polarization resolution at the graphene-metal interface
Капралов Кирилл Николаевич
Резонансы на кратных циклотронных частотах и ближнепольное магнетопоглощение,
модами Бернштейн в графене
Белкин Михаил
Modeling Microwave-Band Radio-Electronic Devices and Systems Based on
Approach in Cadence AWRDE Software
Грачев Владимир Александрович
Research of radio-photon devices formation and conversion of radio signals
Ушаков Александр Александрович
Generation of terahertz radiation under electron emission in a vacuum diode
Виктор Васильевич Валуев
Synthesis of radio images by microwave photonics methods
Долгов Александр Константинович
The effect of transition from single-mode to multimode generation regime in
quantum-cascade lasers induced by current and temperature
Секция 10. Терагерцовое и микроволновое излучение в электронике
Хохлов Дмитрий Ремович
Photoconductivity Induced by Microwave Radiation in Hg 1-x Cd x Te
Титова Елена
Terahertz optoelectronic properties of gapped bilayer graphene with induced pn
Morozkin Mikhail Vladimirovich
Simulation of a Gyrotron Prototype with an Analyzer of Electron Beam Parameters
Запевалов Владимир Евгеньевич
Problems and Solutions for Increasing of the Operating Frequency of Gyrotrons
Рыскин Никита Михайлович
Design and Development of W-band Vacuum-Tube Amplifiers and Oscillators with Sheet
Торгашов Роман Антонович
Study of Slow-Wave Structures for Multiple-Beam Miniaturized Millimeter-Band
Шабанов Александр Викторович
Optimal asymmetry of transistor-based terahertz detectors
Петров Александр Сергеевич
Operator Approach for Description of Electron Transport in Two-Dimensional Electron
Григорьева Наталья Вадимовна
Theoretical analysis of the nonlinear dynamics of the gyrotron based on a modified
quasi-linear model
Дивин Юрий Яковлевич
Terahertz detection and Hilbert spectroscopy by high-Tc Josephson junctions
Савилов Андрей Владимирович
Auto-Modulation Oscillations in a Gyrotron with a Complicated Cavity
Федотов Алексей
Analysis of the metallization quality of 3D-printed microwave components at
Адилова Асель Булатовна
Study of the Phase Locking of High-Power Gyrotron Oscillators Coupled with Delay
Минеев Кирилл Владимирович
The First Experimental Tests of a High-Current Relativistic Millimeter-Wave Gyrotron
Magnetic Compression Electron Gun
Моисенко Илья
Plasmon properties of graphene with an arbitrary directed electric current